
  • Lucas Moura SIQUEIRA
  • Fábio Henrique Rosa SENEFONTE


As postulated by Sociolinguistics (LABOV, 2008), language is heterogeneous, dynamic and multifaceted, varying in many different ways. In this regard, the approach to Informal English in class is the focus of this study, since such language variation is widespread and exposed to students in their everyday life, through the internet, songs, series, advertisements, and so on. Thus, after delving into the Socio-Discursive Interactionism perspective and the State Official Guidelines for Modern Foreign Language Teaching (PARANÁ, 2008), the ‘song’ genre has been chosen to be used in the didactic activities which are proposed in this study, since teaching languages through a text genre allows teachers to approach language as social practice. By conducting a literature review on Informal English teaching through music, it has been verified that studies in this field are scarce, indicating the relevance of this study. Therefore, the didactic sequence proposed in this paper intends to provide teachers with activities and ideas to approach Informal English in class as well as contribute to future research on such theme.


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